There is so much to see in Saint Petersburg. The first day the plan was to see Petergof. I was really happy, because I wanted to see it the most in the area. I’ve seen pictures and even videos of it, but in real it was even more interesting. Also just walking in the garden […]
Au pair Russia
My host family
I arrived to my host family. I don’t know whether or not I’ll have Internet in my room, or in the house in general....
Au pair Russia
I just want to start with giving full marks to all au pairs who packed their luggage for an entire year. It caused me...
Austria, Europe, Travel
820 km on two wheels
Getting soaked in the rain, starving for hours because you can’t find a shop, not being able to shower for days, getting attacked by...
Au pair USA, Uncategorized
I was searching the Internet for information about the USA when I found an au pair blog. It was fascinating for me. Reading it...
Au pair Russia
My host family
I found my host family on AuPairWorld. They seem really nice. I talked a couple of times with the father via skype. He seems...
Au pair Russia
Why Russia?
I realize being an au pair in Russia is not that common. Deciding to become an au pair is one thing, deciding where is...
North America, Uncategorized, USA
My favourite roller coaster
You’re gonna be surprised when I tell you my favourite roller coaster. It was the most intense ride of my life. You wouldn’t believe...
Europe, Italy, Travel
My first roller coaster ride
My friends and family knows I’m not a very talkative person, but I could talk hours about my first roller coaster ride. It only...